Find links to all the AVETMISS standards here. This includes current and past standards, references to documents that will provide you with the necessary information to understand changes between each version and update. Standards as defined by the states are also updated here.
Specific technical data related information:
- AVETMISS 8.0 VET Provider Collection specifications or PDF file this provides you with a breakdown per NAT file as to what fields should be included, and basic information about each. For more information about the specific fields see below, for more information about the differences between AVETMISS 7.0 and AVETMISS 8.0 see below.
- AVETMISS data element definitions (fields) or PDF file this is information about specific fields, including technical information about what each value’s definition and where any lists can be gathered from.
- AVETMISS changes from version 7.0 to 8.0 or PDF file outlines differences in NAT files and data position files between AVETMISS 7.0 and AVETMISS 8.0
Five steps to AVETMISS compliance
Step 1: What are your AVETMISS reporting obligations?
AVETMISS reporting exemptions
- National security Exempt from AVETMISS and USI data submission in all cases
- Emergency or safety community services Exempt from AVETMISS and USI data submission when USI is not provided
For either of these exemptions please contact the Department of Education and Training
More information:
Keep in contact with NCVER
NCVER is the custodian of the national vocational education and training (VET) administrative collections and surveys, on behalf of the state, territory and Commonwealth governments.
- NCVER Support resources
- Phone: 1800 649 452 or 08 8230 8400
- Email:
- Signup to the NCVER newsletter
How will you report your AVETMISS data?
If you establish how you will report your AVETMISS data then you can ensure reporting at the end of the year is not rushed, nor missing any essential information.
- AVETMISS Validation Software - File validation and data submission system.
- AVETMISS Data Entry Tool - For those RTOs with fewer than 100 students to enter student data for AVETMISS reporting.
- AVETMISS Compliant Software Register
Privacy and data security
- Informed student consent Ensure students provide consent to have their data shared.
Step 2: Maintaining AVETMISS data
Consider the following special considerations and data management situations
- Reporting Superseded Programs and Subjects
- Reporting and finding addresses
- Working with client names
- Reporting credit transfer (CT) and recognition of prior Learning (RPL)
Step 3: Preparing for AVETMISS data reporting
- Reporting frequency RTOs can report quarterly or annually.
- Where should I report to - NCVER or state? Use the diagrams to work out where, when and how to report your AVETMISS data
- Updating RTO information ensure that the contact details stored reflect the individuals and company details for the organisation.
Step 4: Validating AVETMISS data
- AVETMISS Validation Software - File validation and data submission system.
- AVETMISS Data Entry Tool - For those RTOs with fewer than 100 students to enter student data for AVETMISS reporting.
- Fixing common errors from the AVS tool #1
- Fixing common errors from the AVS tool #2
Step 5: Submitting the AVETMISS NAT files
- Submitting a nil return if you have delivered no training then you need to submit a nil return.
- Submit validated data to NCVER via AVS
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